Thursday, March 19, 2009

Planning the Kitchen Garden

Thanks to the failing economy it's become a DIY world. Today I ordered seeds so I can start seedlings for late May planting in my garden. On the roster: Lebanese squash, Armenian cucumbers, paprika peppers (called "seasoning peppers" in Trinidad, you'll know this fresh variety as "pimentos"); four types of heirloom tomatoes (Black Russian, Big Rainbow and the Mexican Zapotec, alonghwith Arkansas Traveler); along with some Haogen melons and small sugar pumpkins. THere's also be beets, Persian Anise basil, and various perennial herbs.

I'm hoping that, this year, with some concerted effort I can make a go of the garden. Part of that effort is making the choices above. I figure that if I plant things I'll want to eat and am happy to cook, it will be that much more compelling to make the garden work. Stay tuned and I'll post recipes with my (hoped for!) bounty.


Dr. D said...

Where are you ordering your seeds from? Do you have good sources for herbs and vegetables? I really want to grow recao/culantro and would like to order from a trusted source.


Ramin Ganeshram said...

I ordered from and I also looked for culantro (shado beni) and couldn't find any. Last year, I found an online store that sold it as little plants and have had no luck finding the place since.